Dr. Alapati Satyanarayana
M.Sc.(Ag.)., Ph.D., A.RS.

House # 285, 1 st. Lane,
Rajendranagar,Guntur – 522 006.

Tel: 0863 2323222;
Cell: +91 92467 69909, +91 9000182282.
E-mail: alapatisatyam@gmail.com

An eminent Plant Breeder of International repute was born in a small village, Gudavalli in Guntur Dist. of Andhra Pradesh. He obtained his Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees from the Banaras Hindu University with outstanding merit.

He started his career as a Lecturer in Banaras Hindu University and entered ICAR as a Scientist through Agricultural Research Service In which he ranked first in the country, before joining the ANGRAU as Associate Professor in 1981.

He had a very fruitful and illustrious career as a Plant breeder and developed a number of vegetable and pulsed varieties which have revolutionized production in various niches, before his retirement from ANGRAU as Director of Extension.

His contributions to the farming community are of an immense value. During his illustrious career he held many key positions in the university.

Even after his retirement he is very active in developing high yielding and disease resistant varieties, hybrids of field crops as well as vegetable crops, in addition to educating farmers on sustainable agricultural practices


Impact of Dr. Alapati’s contributions to the AP state and national agriculture

1. Revolutionized pulse production under rice fallows in AP

His untiring work as Pulse Breeder has resulted in the development 30 high yielding pulse varieties (10 Black gram, 7 Green gram, 8 Red gram, 3 Bengal gram and 2 Horse gram). With the adoption of these improved varieties and location specific production technologies under rice fallows, the overall area, production and productivity of Black gram in AP have increased from 2.7 lakh ha to 5.25 lakh ha., 0.97 lakh tones to 3.7 lakh tones and 397 kg/ha to 906 kg/ha respectively. This sustainable technology resulted in a tremendous positive impact on farmer’s economy on long term basis.

The impact was assessed by an independent agency, as an additional income of over Rs.360 crores in 1989 which is equivalent to over Rs.4000 crores (at current prices) annually to the state, apart from creating rural employment of 10 lakh additional man days.

This sustainable rice-pulse system is now under threat by the Yellow Mosaic Virus disease. His post retirement (2009-13) research has resulted in the development of 3 YMV resistant black gram varieties viz., Sri, Nandi and Maruti and a green gram variety Amulya, which are suitable for rice fallows and are expected to bring back sustainability to rice-pulse system.

For this outstanding work, he was honoured with two National Awards ( Hooker award, 1999 and ISPRD award 1994).

2. Silent Revolution of chickpea in A.P.

Chickpea, a cold loving crop, was not even a minor crop prior to 1985 in AP due to short winters,terminal moisture and heat stresses. With his untiring efforts, in collaboration with ICRISAT,in developing and popularization of short duration varieties, the situation reversed and AP became the leading state in chickpea productivity. The Chickpea area increased 5 fold during 198 -2008 from a mere 1.2 ha. to 6.38 lakh ha., Productivity doubled from 750 kg to 1468 kg/ha. And 10 fold increase in production 0.9 lkh MT to 9.37 lakh MT. Andhra Pradesh now has the distinction of surplus of this protein rich pulse crop.

The economic impact of this achievement is enormous and needs to be documented as a success story which is worth several thousand crores of additional income to the farmers and the State annually.

For this outstanding contribution he received two International awards viz., ‘King Baudovin Award,’ and ‘Dooren Margaret Mashler Distinguished Achievemnts Award,' during 2002.

3. Unique Bush Dolichos and Pre dominant French bean varieties.

Beans are protein and minral rich delicious vegetables. In order to make them yield round the year, he worked relentlessly and developed novel Bush Dolichos varieties and high quality French bean varieties. A French bean variety ‘Arka Komal’ developed by him was officially declared during 1985 as a National variety. An impact study conducted by the Economists of IIHR, Bangalore during 2003 found that 84% of the market arrivals of French beans are of ‘Arka Komal’ indicating its importance in the economy of vegetable growers for three decades.

The Bush Dolichos varieties are his creation and made the availability of Dolichos beans round the year a reality. They fit in various cropping systems and help farmer to realize higher returns in a shorter period.

For his work on beans he received two National Awards (Hooker Award 1999, AICRP on Vegetable crops Award 2010) and National Fellowship on vegetables by ISVS 2012.

4. System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

SRI is a sustainable, low input, cost effective production technology which was introduced and standardized by him India. Through Mission mode approach he demonstrated the potential of SRI technology to farmers and was appreciated at many national and international fora. Food security Mission of Govt. of India adapted this technology to increase food production in the country in a sustainable manner to produce more rice with less seed, water and other externally purchased chemical inputs. SRI has become popular in many states.

5. Popularized Soybean in the state

Soybean has now become the life line for farmers in northern districts of Telangana.

Administrative Excellence

1. Principal Scientist Pulses (1985 – 1995): Under his leadership the Pulses Research work in AP was rated as the best in the country by the ICAR for this period.

2. Associate Director of Research, RARS, Lam (KG Zone, 1995 – 2000): NAARM rated the performance of RARS, Lam as most satisfactory under difficult situations based on the impact analysis during his tenure as ADR.

3. Director of Extension, ANGRAU (2000 – 2005): Developed lead programs like e-extension, database development, reorganization of extension education into DATTC’S etc. which prompted the Director General, ICAR, to declare ANGRAU as a model for Extension Education to all SAU’s.

4. He held the full time additional charge for the posts of:
Director of Research ( 2002 ),
Dean P.G. Studies ( 2003 ),
Dean Veterinary sciences ( 2003 ),
Director of Research (Animal Sciences) ( 2001 ) and
Comptroller of ANGRAU ( 2004 to 2005).

Awards/Honors received

  1. Hooker Award for the biennium 1996-97 for outstanding work in developing varieties of Pulses and Vegetables
  2. ISPRD National Award 1994 for outstanding contribution in the field of Pulse Breeding
  3. Doreen Margaret Mashler Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award 1997 from ICRISAT for developing IPM in Groundnut against defoliating insects
  4. ‘King Baudovin Award 2002’ as a member of the Group award of CGAIR to ICRISAT for chickpea improvement
  5. Doreen Margaret Mashler distinguished Scientific achievement Award 2002 from ICRISAT for Chickpea improvement
  6. Best Scientist Award for the services rendered to farmers on August 15th, 1998.
  7. Award received from Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture, Govt. of A.P for out standing contribution in developing good pulse crop varieties during 1990.
  8. Acharya Ranga “Rytu Bandhava” award by Kakatiya Arts Academy, 1999.
  9. Kakani Venkataratnam Foundation First Best Scientist Award 2002
  10. Honoured for the Guest lecture delivered at the Cornell University, Ithaca, USA on 6.5.2004 on System of Rice Intensification.
  11. Best Scientist Award by Federation of Farmers Association on 30-11-2004 for the excellent work in the field of System of Rice Intensification.
  12. AICRP on Vegetable crops National Award for outstanding contribution in the field of vegetable breeding 2010
  13. Commendation letter from the Vice-chancellor ANGRAU during 1999.
  14. Best ADR’s presentation during South Zone ADR’s meet held at Bangalore under NARP(ICAR) 1995.
  15. North American Telugu Society felicitated with an Award at Los Angeles, USA 2012 for outstanding contributions to farming community.
  16. Life Time Achievement Award conferred by NATS, USA on 6-7-2013 at Dallas, USA.
  17. Rastriya Gourav Award 2014

Fellowship in the National Academies

  1. Fellow of Indian Society of pulses Research and Development
  2. Fellow of Asian Agri-History Foundation
  3. Fellow of Indian society of Genetics and Plant breeding
  4. National Fellow of Indian Society of Vegetable Science.

Memberships in various Committees

  1. Scientific Panel on Crop Science (ICAR)
  2. Chairman, RAC, CTRI (ICAR), Rajahmundry
  3. Quinquenniel Review Team on AICRP, on Pulses (ICAR)
  4. Quinquenniel Review Team on NRC for Oil palm
  5. Germplasm Advisory Committee on Legumes, NBPGR (ICAR).
  6. Research Advisory Committee of CTRI, (ICAR), Rajahmundry.
  7. Research Advisory Committee of IIPR, (ICAR), Kanpur.
  8. Research Advisory Committee of CRRI, (ICAR), Cuttack.
  9. Research Advisory Committee of IISR, (ICAR), Mou.
  10. Management Committee of IIPR (ICAR), Kanpur.
  11. Management Committee of DRR (ICAR), Hyderabad.
  12. Management Committee of CTRI (ICAR), Rajahmundry.
  13. Management Committee of NRC on Oil palm (ICAR), Pedavegi.
  14. Academic Syndicate, Nagarjuna University, Guntur
  15. Appellate Authority to Andhra Pradesh State Seed Certification Agency.
  16. Member of Sub-Committee for enhancing the productivity of Pulses (Pulses Development Council, GOI)
  17. Variety identification Committee, (CTRI, Rajahmundry, 1998)
  18. Variety identification Committee on Pulses (AICRP on Pulses)
  19. Minimum Support Prices (MSP) Committee for FCV Tobacco
  20. Scientific Advisory Committee of all Krishi Vignan Kendra’s in the State
  21. SITE Committee, NRC on Oil palm (ICAR), Pedavegi
  22. Departmental Promotion Committee of DOR (ICAR), Hyderabad.
  23. Departmental Promotion Committee of NRC on Sorghum (ICAR).
  24. Departmental Promotion Committee of NRC on Oilpalm (ICAR).
  25. Departmental Promotion Committee of CTRI (ICAR), Rajahmundry.
  26. Departmental Promotion Committee of DRR (ICAR), Hyderabad.
  27. Departmental Promotion Committee of IIHR (ICAR), Bangalore.
  28. Departmental Promotion Committee of Z.C. Unit V (ICAR), Hyderabad.
  29. Departmental Promotion Committee of CTCRI, Trivandrum.
  30. Member Selection Committee, ASRB (ICAR) for Senior level posts in Plant Breeding since 1998.
  31. Member Selection committees in various SAU’s for senior level posts in Plant Breeding
  32. Member Advisory Board for Business Planning and Development, JNKVV, Jabalpur.

Academics and employment
(Field of specialization: Agriculture-Genetics and Plant Breeding)

Degree / Diploma University Year Class Rank in the University
B.Sc (Ag.) Banaras Hindu University 1967 1st Second
M.Sc.(Ag.) Banaras Hindu University 1969 1st (Distinction) First
Ph.D Banaras Hindu University 1973 - - - -
Genetics & Plant Breeding Diploma in German Language Banaras Hindu University 1972 1st - -

Fellowships and competitive exams

  1. All India First rank in Plant breeding at the ARS examination conducted by the ASRB in 1977
  2. ICAR Senior Research Fellowship 1969-72.
  3. University First rank with Distinction at M.Sc.(Ag), Genetics and Plant Breeding, 1969

Employment Record

From To Designation Institute
30-10-2000 31-03-2005 Director of Extension ANGR Agril University
09-10-1995 29-10-2000 Associate Director of Research, RARS, Lam. ANGR Agril University
23-07-1985 08-10-1995 Chief Scientist (Pulses) (Professor and Univ. Head Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding) ANGR Agril University
11-12-1981 22-07-1985 Pulses Breeder (Associate Professor) ANGR Agril University
22-06-1981 10-12-1981 S-2(Plant Breeding)            CTCRI,(ICAR), Bhubaneswar
29-08-1974 21-06-1981 Asst. Vegetable Breeder  IIHR (ICAR), Bangalore
19-07-1972 08-03-1973 Lecturer in Genetics & Plant Breeding Banaras Hindu University

After retirement from ANGRAU, he was active as a consultant with Nuziveedu seeds Ltd., (1-4-2005 t0 20-3-2007), Heritage Foods India Ltd., (21-3-2007 to 28-2-2008), and presently with NRI Agritech Pvt. Ltd., (03-03-2008 to date ). At NRI Agritech he developed 52 varieties / hybrids for marketing in addition to the 37 varieties developed while he was in service with NARS.

Research Contributions

1. Technologies developed

1969 to 1973 at B.H.U., Varanasi
  1. Standardized cytological technique for oilseed crops and
  2. Estimation of DNA in Tomato chromosomes at Pachytene stage using cytophotometer.

1974 to 1981 at I.I.H.R., Bangalore
Developed 4 vegetable varieties viz., Arka Komal (Sel.9), French bean variety released during 1985 as National variety, is still very popular with 84% market arrivals of beans in the country; Arka Gharima, a multiple disease resistant vegetable cowpea and Arka Jaya and Arka Vijay bush and non-season bound vegetable Dolichos

1981 to 2000 at RARS, Lam, Guntur
Development of 33 varieties viz., 10 Blackgram, 7 Greengram, 8 Redgram, 3 Bengalgram, 2 Horsegram, 1 mustard, 1 Soybean and 1 cotton. Most of these varieties are popular and revolutionized pulse production. Of the 33 varieties, I was the main author for 21 varieties. Varieties like LBG-17, LBG-402, LBG-645, are very popular occupied about 95% of black gram area i.e. 4.0 lakh ha. in the state during their respective periods with significant economic impact.

2008 to 2013 at NRI Agritech, Guntur. ( Various Products )
Developed and got approved for marketing by NRi Agitech Pvt. Ltd., the following 60 hybrids,varieties by the State Department of Agriculture during 2008 -2013. Chilli Hybrids 10, Chilli varieties 8, Maize hybrids 4, Okra hybrids 3, Bush Dolichos 2, Tomato 2, Rice 7, Redgram hybrid 1, Redgram variety 5, Blackgram 4, Greengram 2, Castor hybrid 1, Mustard 1, Gun Guar 2, Sesamum 2, Chickpea 2, and Soybean 1, Snap melon 1, Ridgegourd 1, Vegetable cowpea 1, and Marigold 1.

2. Contribution to basic research

Developed new plant types of Black gram (sympodial and main stem bearing) and Green gram (multicluster and cereal mimics) and worked out their inheritance.

Mechanism and genetics of resistance to preharvest sprouting in Mungbean

Sources of resistance to various diseases and their inheritance have been worked out in different pulse crops viz., Yellow Mosaic Virus disease, powdery mildew, wilt, corynespora in black gram, angular black leaf spot and powdery mildew in Green gram and rust in Cowpea and Dolichos

The inheritance of YMV disease in Black gram was deciphered as governed by two independent dominant genes acting in complementary fashion and developed three YMV disease resistant varieties suitable for round the year cultivation.

Genetics of yield and yield components and their environmental interactions in Green gram, Black gram, Red gram, Cowpea, French bean, Dolichos, Cotton, Chillies have been estimated through quantitative genetic analysis and published.

An auto tetraploid was developed through gamma irradiation in Mungbean and a true breeding tetrasomic line (2n=22+2) was isolated in Mungbean which is resistant to sucking pests.

Employed Reverse breeding technique and developed varieties of Chillies, Marigold. Water melon which are better than the hybrids, thus made available seed at low cost to the farmers.

Genetic Resources Collected, maintained, evaluated , utilized and catalogued germplasm lines of Black gram (560), Green gram (476), French beans (1061), Red gram (347), Bengal gram (161), Dolichos (270), Cowpea (226), Other legumes (87), Soybean (172), Chiilies (188), Okra (219), Maize(139), Sesamum(80).

3. Transfer of technology through extension activities

  1. Developed Data base for Mandal level cropping plans based on farming situation (soil and water), constraints and potentials, for all the 1106 rural Mandals of A.P.
  2. Organized 55 State level and 7 National Training programs and one Summer School as Course Director and 3 National AICRP workshops.
  3. Organized thousands of minikit trails, on farm trail and Frontline demonstrations over a period of 3 decades.
  4. Conducted joint field visits, diagnostic survey and disaster management tours and developed contingency plans and disaster mitigation programs
  5. Coordinated one hour daily T.V. program ‘Rytumitra’ through TEJA channel on agriculture between 6.00 to 7.00 PM daily for 4 years
  6. Acted as a resource person on live Farmer-Scientist interactions on other TV channels and AIR.
  7. Developed and popularized short duration chickpeas in A.P.
  8. Popularized IPM strategies on Pigeonpea, cotton, Groundnut and chickpea for which he was honored with two International Awards
  9. Organized Breeder seed production of grain legumes for over two decades, which helped in increase area and production of Pulsed in A.P.
  10. Popularised System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
  11. Popularized rabi red gram in AP Popularized soybean in Andhra Pradesh which has improved the economy of farmers of Adilabad district in A.P

4. Contribution to Teaching

He guided 10 Ph.D. and 2 M.Sc. (Ag.) students as Major Advisor and 8 of his Ph.D students received awards for the meritorious work.

As University Head Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding during (1995 -2000) guided Teaching and Research on crop improvement and seed production programs.

5. Seminars and guest lectures

  1. Organized a National Seminar on developing Vegetable varieties for round the year cultivation on 11 th January 2014.
  2. Participated and chaired several Brain storming sessions on Pulses and Vegetables at National level.
  3. Delivered several key note addresses on Pulses and Vegetables research and development.
  4. Presented Institute level seminar on ‘Silent Revolution of Chickpea in A.P. at ICRISAT during 2013

6. Publications

Research publications 172 which include many invited lead papers in International Symposia/Conferences
Popular articles 252
Bulletins 40
Book Chapters 5
Interactive VCD’s on crop production Technologies and PHT 12

7. Externally Funded Research Projects handled.

  1. ICAR Adhoc Research project for developing Pre harvest sprouting resistance in Mungbean during 1987 – 89.
  2. Dept. Atomic Energy, GOI, Adhoc Scheme for identifying sources of multiple disease resistance to rust, PM, and leaf spot in Mungbean and Urdbean. 1995-99.
  3. AP-NL project on IPM against Heliothis on Redgram 1998-2000.
  4. ICAR Adhoc. Project on Genetic enhancement of Mungbean with special emphasis on Plant type. 2000-2001.
  5. WWF Project on System of Rice Intensification, 2004-2005.

8. Research Stations/Projects established.

  1. Agricultural Research Station for Rice Fallow Pulses, Ghantasala, 1990.
  2. AICRP on Soybean at RARS, Lam, 1987.
  3. Established 5 Krishi Vigyan Kendras, 2002.

Alapati's video clips




S.No. Crop Variety Year of Release Specific features
1 Black Gram LBG 17 (Krishnaiah) 1985 Resistant to powdery mildew. Revolutionised, Black gram production in rice fallows of AP
2 Black Gram LBG 402 (Prabhava) 1988 Resistant to wilt. Occupied over 3.0  lakh  ha by 1989
3 Black Gram LBG 20 (Teja) 1989 Resistant to YMV.  Suitable for round the year cultivation.  Popular in many States
4 Black Gram LBG 611 (Kotha Buttaminumu) 1993 Resistant to wilt
5 Black Gram LBG 22 (Lam-22) 1994 Resistant to wilt
6 Black Gram LBG 648 1996 Multiple disease resistant
7 Black Gram WBG 26 1995 Sympodial bearing, YMV resistant
8 Black Gram LBG 623 1997 Bold seed, high yield, suitable for round the year for cultivation
9 Black Gram LBG 685 1999 High  yield, Mainstem  bearing   wilt resistant, medium bold black shiny seed
10 Black Gram LBG 645 2002 High yielding, wilt resistant, bold shining seed
11 Green Gram LGG 407 (Lam 407) 1993 Resistant to YMV, ABLS, Bacterial leaf (Lam 407) spot and root rot.  Synchronous in maturity
12 Green Gram LGG 450 (Pushkara) 1993 Resistant to Pre-harvest sprouting by virtue of higher pod wall cuticular wax
13 Green Gram MGG 295 (Madhira 295) 1993 Resistant to ABLS
14 Green Gram WGG 2 (Warangal–2) 1993 Resistant to ABLS
15 Green Gram LGG 410 (Lam-410) 1994 Resistant to YMV suitable for Rabi season  in Rice fallows
16 Green Gram WGG  37 1995 YMV resistant, Short duration
17 Green Gram LGG 460 1997 High yield, more pods/cluster
18 Red Gram ICPL 332 (Abhaya) 1989 moderately resistant to pod borer
19 Red Gram MRG 66 (Madhira-66) 1993 Resistant to Macrophomina
20 Red Gram PRG 100 1995 Early maturing
21 Red Gram ICPL 84031 (Durga) 1995 Extra early, suitable for multiple cropping system
22 Red Gram ICPL 85063 (Lakshmi) 1997 Suitable for rabi, bold seed, high yield
23 Red Gram LRG-38 2002 Bold seed, medium duration tolerant to Heliothis
24 Red Gram WRG-27 2002 Moderately resistant to SMD, purple streaks on pods, pink standard petals
25 Red Gram LRG 41 2006 Tolerant to Heliothis, Purple pods
26 Bengal gram (Kabuli) ICCV 2 (Swetha) 1989 Resistant to wilt, early (85 days)
27 Bengal gram ICCC37 (Kranti) 1989 Resistant to wilt, short duration (100 days)
28 Bengal gram LbeG 7 2006 Bold seeded Kabuli gram
29 French beans Arka Komal 1985 High yield good quality vegetable pods, popular in many states. Used as National check.
30 Vegetable cowpea 61-B (Arka Gharima) 1991 High yield, very popular in Kerala State
31 Dolichos Arka Jay 1990 Bush vegetable Dolichos, Photoinsensitive
32 Dolichos Arka Vijay 1990 Bush vegetable Dolichos, Photoinsensitive
33 Horsegram PHG 62 1991 Early maturing
34 Horsegram PHG 7 (Palem-2) 1996 YMV resistant
35 Soybean LSb-1 1999 Extra early (65 days), suitable for intercropping in Cotton
36 Mustard LBM 428 2002 Early, black mustard, small seed 40.5% oil. tolerant to moisture stress.
37 Cotton NSPHH – 5 2002 High yielding, Long Staple hirstum hybrid